The Cass MARC M&A Maturity Index 2012

In collaboration with its research partners, Credit Suisse and Ernst & Young, the M&A Research Centre (MARC) at Cass Business School provides its second annual report (July 2012) on the maturity for M&A purposes of countries worldwide.

Never has a robust assessment of countries' investment attractiveness and sustainability for acquisitions, i.e. the identification of both threats and opportunities been more necessary. Since 2009, the level of M&A activity taking place in the so-called emerging markets has remained close to 40% of the volume of announced transactions worldwide. This increasing trend closely follows the proportion of global economic production for which those countries account, currently 56% according to IMF's 'World Economic Outlook Database'. The development of legal systems and increased political and economic stability have also encouraged the rapid growth of domestic and inter-regional M&A activity in these markets, along with cross-border deal activity between developed and emerging countries.

Following the successful launch of the Cass MARC M&A Maturity Index in 2011, this report provides an update for 2012, The Cass MARC Maturity Index illustrates each country’s ability to attract and sustain M&A activity, as well as identifying areas where improvement is needed. The index rates 148 countries according to their regulatory and political, economic and financial, technological and socio-economic environments, as well as their level of assets and infrastructure. It looks at the attractiveness of each country for domestic and inward deals and does not address external acquisitions for companies based in that country. The index provides each country with a percentage figure which indicates its maturity for M&A purposes, i.e. its ability to attract and sustain business activity.

The full report (dated July 2012) can be downloaded at the MARC section of the Cass Business School website. A short registration form must be completed.