
nullUniversidad Diego Portales.  UDP has 30 years experience as a prestigious nonprofit university, and as a  leader among Chilean private universities in academic research. UDP is committeed to Chilean economic, institutional, and cultural development, and is secular and pluralistic, open and tolerant of all opinions and ideas.  UDP has currently more than 15,000 students in 9 faculties, distributed within 35 undergraduate programs, 25 master and 4 doctoral degrees.

The Faculty of Economics and Business at the Universidad Diego Portales is dedicated to reaffirm the commitment to the creation of knowledge in the fields of economics, business management, and public policy.


FIAP was created in May, 1996. The legal status of this international institution was granted on 29th June 2004 in the city of Montevideo, by Supreme Decree Nro. 801, issued by Uruguayan Ministery of Education and Culture. It currently has nineteen "full members" in fifteen countries and twelve "collaborating members". The "full members" are associations, federations, chambers or other institutions that represent the interests of the pension industry in the respective country. Thus, the following countries are represented in FIAP: Bolivia, Bulgaria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curaçao, Chile, El Salvador, Spain, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Ukraine and Uruguay.

The workers number of the FIAP member associations and institutes are more than 120 million as of September 2013, and accumulate more than USD 695 thousand million in their respective individual accounts.

The main objectives of FIAP are:

• To contribute to the success of the new pension systems based on individual funding and private management.

• To promote reforms to pension systems that lead to the adoption of pension programs based on individual funding and private management.

In order to achieve these objectives FIAP has undertaken intense activities that include the holding of Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Round Tables, specialized publications, the creation of a Web site, permanent contact with international organizations and authorities of the different countries, support of its partners in the promotion of improvements to the regulations of the respective countries, participation of its Chairman and the Steering Committee in propagating activities of the new individually funded systems, drawing up of documents to contest criticism faced by such systems and the preparation of Guidelines to assist in the better design of individually funded systems regulation.

nullThe objectives of the Pensions Institute are:

  • to undertake high quality research in all fields related to pensions
  • to communicate the results of that research to the academic and practitioner community
  • to establish an international network of pensions researchers from a variety of disciplines to provide expert independent advice to the pensions industry and government. We take a fully multidisciplinary approach. For the first time disciplines such as economics, finance, insurance, and actuarial science through to accounting, corporate governance, law and regulation have been brought together in order to enhance strategic thinking, research and teaching in pensions. As the first and only UK academic research centre focused entirely on pensions, the Pensions Institute unites some of the world's leading experts in these fields in order to offer an integrated approach to the complex problems that arise in this field. The Pensions Institute undertakes research in a wide range of fields, including:
  • Pension microeconomics

The economics of individual and corporate pension planning, long term savings and retirement decisions.

  • Pension fund management and performance

The investment management and investment performance of occupational and personal pension schemes.

  • Pension funding and valuations

The actuarial and insurance issues related to pension schemes, including risk management, asset liability management, funding, scheme design, annuities, and guarantees.

  • Pension law and regulation

The legal aspects of pension schemes and pension fund management.

  • Pension accounting, taxation and administration

The operational aspects of running pension schemes.

  • Marketing

The practice and ethics of selling group and individual pension products.

  • Macroeconomics of pensions

The implications of aggregate pension savings and the impact of the size and maturity of pension funds on other sectors of the economy (e.g. corporate, public and international sectors).

  • Public policy

Domestic and EU social policy towards pension provision and other employee benefits in the light of factors such as the Social Chapter of the Maastricht Treaty and the demographic developments in Europe and other countries. Research disseminated by the Pensions Institute may include views on policy but the Pensions Institute itself takes no institutional policy positions

The Chilean Securities and Insurance Supervisor (Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros - SVS) is an autonomous corporate body affiliated with the Chilean Government through the Ministry of Finance. It is responsible for the supervision of all activities and entities involved in Chilean securities and insurance markets. The SVS enforces compliance with all laws, regulations, by-laws, and other provisions governing the operation of these markets. SVS's mission is to contribute to the securities and insurance markets development through an efficient regulation and surveillance, facilitating the participation of the market agents and promoting the care of the public trust and the safeguard of the investors and policyholders rights.